Download the CharityHowTo logo to use on your website, blog and other communication channels.
Pick any logo to download below!
Download the logos above and add them to your media channels and point the logo to this URL:
Primary: The top
three colors are
primary colors.
They are used in the
largest amounts.
The blue and green
are used for buttons,
headlines, etc.
Secondary: The
bottom colors are
used sparingly for
a pop of color and
to add depth. For
example, can be
used as background
colors on blog
header images.
Can use darker or
lighter shades of
all colors for 2D
HEX: #0095DA
RBG: 0, 149, 218
CMYK: 76, 29, 0, 0
HEX: #0C8643
RBG: 12, 134, 67
CMYK: 87, 23, 99, 9
HEX: #404040
RBG: 64, 64, 64
CMYK: 68, 61, 60, 46
RBG: 239, 240, 241
CMYK: 5, 3, 3, 0
RBG: 95, 192, 221
CMYK: 57, 5, 9, 0
HEX: #F28E19
RBG: 242, 142, 25
CMYK: 2, 52, 100, 0
HEX: #EC605E
RBG: 236, 96, 94
CMYK: 2, 77, 59, 0
HEX: #3c549d
RBG: 60, 84, 157
CMYK: 87, 76, 5, 0
Type Scale: all types can be scaled up for use on mobile/web. Below are Standard font sizes. Leading should be scaled proportionally.
Paragraph Type: can be used in bold, italics, underlined for standout text.
Header 1: Roboto Medium
Header 2: Roboto Regular
Header 3: Roboto Bold